An earthquake is a natural disaster that we don’t have control over. There is even no accurate way to predict when it strikes us. We pretty much can know its strength on the Richter scale but only when it becomes a national news sensation that we understand the grim reality. Beyond the higher ones, many small earthquakes make trouble for renters and homeowners that need protection in advance. Let us assess why Is Earthquake Insurance a Good Idea with facts!
Reasons that Make you Re-consider Taking Earthquake Insurance Quote:
Cover your loss: Several earthquake trackers estimate small earthquakes to occur frequently in a year. So, to avoid its catastrophic destruction to your home and personal property, you want to prepare in advance to cover for the loss. Here, earthquake insurance worth it as a mitigation strategy.
Cost of risk ratio: Many homeowners think that earthquake insurance companies charge high prices. What they don’t know is that the price differs depending on the risk-prone area. According to the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), only 10% of homeowners get insured. The premium cost seems small to avoid financial burden all at once!
Protects your dwelling: Say an earthquake bursts your pipe leading to water loss, it is where your agency kicks in, and an earthquake insurance cost will cover this damage. Any structural damage to your home and property can be taken care of, and repair the damages incurred.
Tailored plans: Earthquake insurance providers offer customizable plans and pricing details to meet your particular needs. So when the earthquake strikes, you are protected against- dwelling cost, reimbursement of property, and help damage repair.
Separate policy: since damages from an earthquake are not covered under your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance it becomes crucial to buy the policy. With standalone policy, you get assurity to claims that help manage unforeseen risks.
The bottom line is that purchasing earthquake insurance will prove beneficial and ideal for you if you live in an earthquake-prone area. However, finding the right insurance providers seems like a task for some. But if you want personal attention and professional care, then we can recommend you one. You can rely on Nunez Insurance Agency for its years of experience and proven record in providing plans that suit your needs. We don’t want you to leave open to financial risk so let the specialist work on a contingency strategy to avoid financial losses in your budget.